

专职专家 巴里·沃德和马尔克·佩里

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机械测试 是任何设计和制造过程的标准和必要部分吗. 无论是表征材料的性能,还是为最终产品提供验证, 确保安全至关重要. 测试 also plays a crucial role in ensuring a cost-effective design as well as technological evolution 和 superiority. 


所需的试验方法在零件的图纸上有明确规定, 这意味着测试的责任落在了为该部件签约的制造商身上.

测试 requirements are not always set by governing bodies; experienced design 和 manufacturing teams also underst和 the value of testing to validate models, 做出改进, 提高零件的整体质量. 当面对测试的成本和时间影响时, 这个过程似乎很昂贵. 然而, it is an excellent place to start when it comes to reducing costs as unanticipated failures when the parts are in service have higher cost 和 time implications. 



The process starts with a review of the drawing or part specification to identify appropriate test methods, 这可以包括: 


当涉及到简化设计过程, 组件和组件的实体建模, 随着 有限元分析(FEA),都是工程师的绝佳工具. Often the purpose of mechanical testing is to generate the data required by these FEA programs to generate the initial component models. 话虽如此, 有限元模型不能保证准确的结果, 所以最实际的方法是:

  1. 开发一个健壮的模型 材料试验数据 对于材料
  2. 执行有限元分析以确定理论应力水平和位置
  3. Use product qualification testing or materials testing on component cut-ups (First Article 检查) to validate the FEA model.

由于测试提供了经验数据,它可以用来回溯和完善有限元模型. 一旦完成了这一步, making design modifications in the model is much easier 和更多的 reliable without the added time 和 cost of numerous prototype 和 test iterations. 


原料批次容易发生变化,所以 拉伸试验 确保每批材料达到最低强度和延展性要求. 尽管材料供应商有能力处理这些测试, 他们建议使用第三方实验室检测作为独立和额外的确认. Confirming that raw material is within acceptable limits is one of the easiest 和 most cost-effective assurances against future problems. 


化学分析 is also essential for both material 和 product manufacturers as it identifies the contents 和 quality of materials used in manufacturing 和 product development. 在产品开发过程的早期阶段, 为了避免在使用中出现故障,必须对材料进行验证.


硬度测试 在生产后是否需要进行热处理以确认是否合格. 比如拉伸试验, this is a speedy 和 inexpensive testing option 和 does not usually require the final part to undergo destructive testing. 


 在大多数应用程序中,目标 疲劳测试 is to develop a 乏力 strength curve that characterizes the material's ability to resist cyclic loading over fluctuating 压力 levels or to establish operating conditions when 乏力 would not be experienced in the component's lifetime. 一旦建立了这条曲线, the results are compared to the part design criteria to make sure that the material will enable the component to fulfill its projected life expectancy. 

 The final part geometry can make it challenging to apply raw material 乏力 data due to complex dimensional features such as notches 和 holes. 在这种情况下,建议对最终零件进行疲劳试验. 超越前面讨论的方法, this may require a more sophisticated test setup 和 include the destruction of some production parts. 这种方法的优点是,不仅可以生成疲劳强度曲线, 但失效模式将被确定. 这些知识对于设计改进和维护计划是有价值的. 


 疲劳和 断裂力学 提供材料抗缺陷能力和对其强度影响的数据. 当涉及到制定维护计划和预测组件的使用寿命, 乏力, 断裂力学测试是一种非常流行的工具. 有些机器部件在使用寿命中不可避免地会出现裂纹. 更换零件太贵了,而且, 在很多情况下, completely unnecessary; the key is to determine the severity of the flaw 和 recognize when it crosses the line to become a critical matter. 

 疲劳与断裂力学 are made up of many different static 和 dynamic tests that characterize a material's resistance to crack growth once a flaw has originated. This knowledge of how a material will react under such conditions enables engineers to estimate the components' life. 这意味着, 在某些情况下, 昂贵的维修可以推迟到一个方便安排工作的时间. Knowing which materials have higher 断裂韧性 can improve designs 和 prolong component life expectancy. 


应力破坏 在整个产品生命周期中是必不可少的. 它为工程师提供了关键信息, enabling them to prevent failures by giving insights into the effect of long-term 压力 和 temperature on materials 和 products. 



 由于产品测试通常涉及专门的测试设备, 的定制设备, 熟练的测试工程师, 以及用于测试的额外产品和材料, 它需要组织的投资. 考虑到当今竞争激烈的市场, this investment can be difficult to justify when budgets are already squeezed at the start of the project. 然而, it cannot be underestimated that the failure to perform appropriate testing can have devastating consequences that can cost significantly more than the testing itself. 

在这里, 我们来看看组织在决定放弃测试时所面临的一些实际成本: 


The first 和 least costly consequence of avoiding testing is the internal discovery of nonconformance through an internal audit or quality check. 这并不是最坏的情况,因为产品还没有离开场地, 这意味着损害是有限的. 这种情况可以通过分离受影响的产品来缓解, 符合性评价, 和, 如果有必要的话, 进行必要的返工. 


 Being subjected to findings from an audit is one of the more severe consequences of avoiding testing requirements. Any errors discovered at this stage could be rectified as the affected products can be recalled 和 evaluated, 对重新出厂的产品进行返工和维修. 然而, 还有时间和成本方面的问题, 组织可能会失去客户的信任和潜在的有价值的合同. 


如果缺乏精确的模型, 产品和组件常常被过度设计, 让它们变得更贵. 使用合适的模型,并根据经验测试数据设计组件, 创建组件的前置时间可以缩短. 


不进行测试的最大代价是灾难性的产品失败. 其结果可能是毁灭性的, 从产品损坏到生命损失, 对于那些面临法律起诉的组织来说,其后果是永久性的. 

请放心,由于彻底的质量检查,产品故障很少发生. 然而, this should be no comfort to the quality engineer whose responsibility is to ensure absolute product conformance at every stage of a project 和 product lifecycle. 通过提供强大的内部测试能力,并与认可的实验室合作, 组织可以帮助确保每一步的连续性和质量. 


产品是否在测试阶段或使用中出现故障, 失效分析是产品开发和系统改进的一个重要方面, 这有助于我们从过去中学习, 并有助于防止未来的失败.

故障分析是多方面的, 确定材料或产品失败的方式和原因的整体方法. The initial stage of any investigation involves an in-depth discovery phase of the circumstances surrounding the failure 和 any relevant background information, 包括环境因素, 申请类型, 使用寿命, 以及相关的设计信息. im体育APP's failure analysts then apply a wide variety of analytical methods 和 tools to inspect the failed part.

基于故障分析过程发现, im体育APP experts provide recommendations 和 work closely with the customer to find solutions to problems for a diverse range of products 和 materials. The combination of our materials expertise 和 our knowledge of what 影响 the service environment can have on a material or product enables the rapid delivery of comprehensive results.

而确定任何失败的根本原因和相关责任是主要目标, 附加价值在于防止未来发生.



im体育APP provides a range of mechanical testing capabilities for metallic 和 nonmetallic materials to ensure products are cost-effective 和 technologically advanced as well as remain safe 和 fit-for-purpose throughout their lifecycle. 无论是测试标准方法还是开发自定义程序, 我们的专家可以为您提供准确的, 无论项目大小,结果都是可靠的. 更多信息请im体育APP的同事.

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